
Katie Kuhlman
A Bit About Me
Katie Kuhlman grew up in a small town called Olmitz with her older brother, Ray. Growing up on a farm gave Katie the small town rural life experience she’s always wanted. Throughout her high school career she participated in volleyball, wrestling, track, and yearbook. Katie plans to continue her education in Marketing at Barton Community College and Fort Hays State University.
Katie’s passion for Marketing became evident when a cousin of hers was talking about her advertising career and what she did for a living. This sparked Katie’s interest in the advertising industry. She soon began looking into programs for schools so she could obtain a Marketing degree.
In her spare time, Katie enjoys shooting sports/portrait photography for GBHS and the community. Crafting allows Katie to bring out her creative side that many don’t get to see. She also enjoys weight lifting and keeping her body in shape. Occasionally Katie competes in powerlifting meets to compete with girls her age all over the world. This creates a healthy lifestyle for Katie to continue for the future. Katie also enjoys going to the lake with friends and family. She charises these times spent with family because that is what’s most important to her.
Katie has shown her dedication to her studies and will continue to dedicate herself towards her degree. She has shown great gratitude and dedication to the Marketing industry. Katie has inspired many people around her throughout her career and will continue to do so. Katie is willing to learn and grow as she begins her journey in advertising. She is excited and ecstatic to see what the future marketing industry has to offer her.